Author: Geraldine

General Stock Relief, Stock Relief for Young Trained Farmers, Stock Relief for Registered Farm Partnerships and the Stamp Duty Exemption for Young Trained Farmers are being extended until 31 December 2018.

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Farmer’s Stamp Duty relief extended to end 2018 by Budget 2016

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The New Companies Act

A  new Companies Act was enacted on 23 December 2014. With nearly 1,500 sections and 17 Schedules, this is the largest piece of legislation ever enacted, and it is expected that the bulk of the legislation will become effective on 1 June 2015. This is a summary of some of the key changes that may be

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Our Firm are part of a Law Society Pilot Scheme to ensure members of the Public get more accurate quotes for legal work in encouraging the consumer client to provide more information about the transaction. Purchase of residential property Introduction and solicitor’s work Questionnaire Sale of residential property Introduction and solicitor’s work Questionnaire Will Introduction and

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The Children and Family Relationships Bill 2015

The Children and Family Relationships Bill 2015 attempts to modernize the family law area. When enacted, it will give legal recognition to the many diverse relationships that exist in modern day Ireland.  It marks a change in Government policy regarding family life and the rights of the child in Ireland and recognizes the diverse range

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Access, re-use and share data online

The Irish Government is seeking to make it easier for citizens, businesses, and other interested groups to access, re-use and share information or data held by public sector bodies. In the development of an ‘Open Data’ strategy, the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) has created the first version of a website or Open

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7 Year CGT relief not extended

  The relief from CGT in respect of the first seven years of ownership for properties purchased between 7 December 2011 and 31 December 2014 is not being extended beyond 31 December 2014. Revenue have confirmed that the normal rule as to when an asset is acquired for CGT purposes (i.e. when an unconditional contract

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The new ‘Whistle blower’ legislation

The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (the “Act”) came into effect on 15 July 2014. The Act is a new concept in Ireand in that it provides a statutory framework for protecting ‘whistleblowers’, a term framed in the US where the law is well established. Under this framework, workers can raise concerns regarding potential wrongdoing in

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Immigration & Visas

The news has revealed that we are now a multi-cultural country and the immigrants have contributed much to our economic growth. Visas All information about whether you need a visa and how to obtain one can be accessed on the Irish Naturalisation & Immigration website.

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Caring for the Carers

Geraldine Coughlin, Solicitor will be in attendance at the ‘caring for the carer’ event in the Columban Hall, Newtowncunningham on the 12th November, 2014 from 1pm onwards to give legal advice to those giving and those receiving care.

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