Category: Family

The Children and Family Relationships Bill 2015

The Children and Family Relationships Bill 2015 attempts to modernize the family law area. When enacted, it will give legal recognition to the many diverse relationships that exist in modern day Ireland.  It marks a change in Government policy regarding family life and the rights of the child in Ireland and recognizes the diverse range

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Local Talks on issues affecting the Elderly

  Talk 28th May 201 @ 7 p.m.   Geraldine Conaghan apologies to all of Burt’s Women’s Group for her failure to attend the March meeting, as she was under the impression dates and time had to be confirmed.  She is happy to attend the May meeting and deal with the queries received dealing mostly

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U. K. Lasting Powers of Attorney

There is no reciprocal agreement between the UK Office of the Court of Protection and Ireland ‘s High Court Wards of Court Office  regarding UK Lasting Powers of Attorney and Irish Enduring Powers of Attorney.  With regard to all foreign Powers, it is a matter for the individual  institutions (e.g., the Bank) in this jurisdiction

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Publication of Courts Bill 2013

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter T.D.,  yesterday announced the publication of the Courts Bill 2013. The Bill has two purposes, the first of which is to modify the in camera rule which prevents members of the public, including the news media, from being present in court when family law and

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Siblings are NOT treated as cohabitants under the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010. This Act is the first legal recognition for same sex couples in Ireland, extending ‘spousal’ benefits to gay and lesbian couples in areas of property, social welfare, succession, maintenance, pensions and tax. While it also offers additional rights and

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‘Common Law’ spouses & Inheritance

‘Common Law’ spouses & Inheritance issues for unmarried couples, or cohabitant: The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 (“the Act”), in force since 1st January 2011, as obvious from its title introduced the new legal concept of ‘cohabitant’ for those couples living together; It is the first step in protecting

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‘GAY’  RIGHTS are FINALLY RECOGNISED, by the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 (“the Act”), enacted 1st January 2011. The most important practical advantage is the right to enter into a civil partnership, thus giving same sex civil partners ‘spousal’ inheritance rights. On registration of a civil partnership,  same sex

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Co-habitation now may lead to legal obligations as the newly enacted Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 (“the Act”),  provides protections for  cohabiting couples (same sex or opposite sex) including a redress scheme for financially dependent long term cohabitants on the ending of a relationship, whether by break-up or death.

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Protective Leave for Pregnancy

Standard Maternity Leave A pregnant employee is currently entitled to 26 consecutive weeks of maternity leave. An employee who wishes to avail of her entitlement to maternity leave must notify her employer in writing as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than 4 weeks before the beginning of the leave, of her intention to

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Inheritance rights for cohabitants and their Childrem

Neither cohabitants or children have any automatic right to a share of the estate of the deceased cohabitant. A cohabitant is not entitled at law to deal with administering the Estate of their cohabitant. There is an exception, where a cohabitant dies intestate, leaving minor children, who are also the children of the surviving cohabitant. 

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